

5 - 8 October 2024

Asian Contents & Film Market 2024

Official Schedule 2023

HomeProgramOfficial ScheduleOfficial Schedule 2023

CINE FLY Startup Showcase
  • SAT, 7 October, 10:30 - 12:00  |  Day 1
  • Event Room B

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  • #IP Business
  • #Investor

The Busan International Film Festival's Asian Content & Film Market (ACFM) is collaborating with the Asia Start-up Festival, FLY ASIA 2023, to host the first CINE FLY that specializes in film, video and contents.

It is worth noting that the ACFM will host the CINE Tech Session of the FLY ASIA Conference in collaboration with Cannes Film Festival and showcase the tech startups recommended by Berlin International Film Festival at the exhibition.

Furthermore, FLY ASIA has established the CINE FLY Awards to facilitate investments in the film, video and content startups as well as to help them expand into the international market. The selected startups with the potential for global growth will showcase their work at the ACFM.

- Summary

  • Time/Place
    • (Exhibition) Oct. 5-7, 2023 / BEXCO Exhibition Center 2
    • (Showcase) Oct. 7, 2023 / BEXCO Exhibition Center 1 Event Room B
  • Content
    • (Exhibition) Video and film technology startups
    • (Showcase) Opening speeches, Company introduction, Closing Ceremony
  • Additional Info
    • Based on the collaboration with Berlin International Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival, joint programs will be carried out in the Fly Asia Exhibition, Program and Conference.

- Pitching List

Company Name
1 SHOH Enterprise Chiehwan SUNG
2 VoyagerTHE3 Eunjoo CHA
3 adapt entertainment Darryl MARKS
5 Darylab media tech Frank MCDONNELLl
6 gruvitap Ben JOHNSON

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