

5 - 8 October 2024

Asian Contents & Film Market 2024

Official Schedule 2023

HomeProgramOfficial ScheduleOfficial Schedule 2023
BSM Legal Seminar Ⅰ
  • SUN, 8 October, 16:30 - 17:15  |  Day 2
  • Event Room B

recommend to

  • #Creator
  • #Director
  • #Writer

Creator's claim for additional compensation - centered on Article 100 of the Copyright Act.

Article 100 et seq. of the Copyright Act provides for a presumption of transfer of rights related to the video to the video producer, which places certain restrictions on the rights of the copyright holder or performer. Since the global success of 'Squid Game' more than two years ago, there has been a lot of discussion about additional compensation for creators, and several legislative bills have been introduced in the National Assembly. In light of the development of the Korean video content industry and the need for fair compensation for creators, we will revisit this issue from a legal perspective.

* This seminar is co-hosted by BIFF, Asian Contents & Film Market and KOREA ENTERTAINMENT LAW SOCIETY.

- LEE Youngwook (Director, KELS)
- AHN Jaehyung (Vice-President, KELS)
- KWAK Jaewoo (Director, KELS)
- NA Jiwon (Director, KELS)
Profile of Attorneys
IM Sanghyeok, Attorney at Law
- Ph.D in Law, Seoul National University School of Law
- Passed the 42nd National Judicial Examination, 32nd Batch of the Judicial Training Institute
- Partner at Shin & Kim
- Specialized in copyright law and entertainment law
- President of Korea Entertainment Law Society
- Member of Content Dispute Resolution Committee
- Vice Chairman of Korea Copyright Commission
- Publications: Limitations of the Right of Publicity, Film and Freedom of Speech, Film and Copyright

LEE Youngwook, Attorney at Law
- Ph.D. in Law, Korea University / LL. M., Kyushu University
- Passed the 44th National Judicial Examination, 34th Batch of the Judicial Training Institute
- Partner at Law Firm Gamwoo (current)
- Specialized in copyright law and entertainment law
- Director of Korea Entertainment Law Society
- Arbitrator at Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
- Publications: Stories Behind Copyright Cases, Webtoon Contract Master

NA Jiwon, Professor / Attorney at Law
- Ph.D. in Law, Seoul National University
- Passed the 43rd National Judicial Examination, 33rd Batch of the Judicial Training Institute
- Assistant Professor at Ajou University Law School (current)
- Director of Korea Entertainment Law Society
- Arbitrator at Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
- Member of Fair Trade Dispute Mediation Council of Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency
- Publication: The Effectiveness of FRAND Commitments and Limitations on Exercising Standard Essential Patents

AHN Jaehyung, Attorney at Law
- B.A. in German Language and Literature, Sogang University
- Passed the 44th National Judicial Examination, 34th Batch of the Judicial Training Institute
- Head of the Legal Department and Compliance Officer at SBS (current)
- Vice President of Korea Entertainment Law Society
- Korea In-house Counsel Association
- Arbitrator at Korean Commercial Arbitration Board

KWAK Jaewoo, Attorney at Law
- Finished Ph.D. Program at Seoul National University School of Law / LL.M., University of Pennsylvania
- Passed the 49th National Judicial Examination, 39th Batch of the Judicial Training Institute
- Partner at Lee & Ko (current)
- Specialized in copyright law and entertainment law
- Director of Korea Entertainment Law Society
- Legal Advisor to Korean Film Council
- Adjunct Professor at KAIST and Sungkyunkwan University
- Secretary General of Korea Intellectual Property Lawyers Association
- Auditor of Korea Society of Copyright Law
- Director of International Association of Korean Lawyers
- Member of International Council of Korean Bar Association and Seoul Bar Association

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