Newsletter Vol. 4 22 July 2024
Asian Contents & Film Market 2024
Open for Registration!
Asian Contents & Film Market (ACFM), which has firmly established itself as a business platform for professionals in the Asian film, audiovisual, and original IP industry, opened for registration for this year’s market badges and sales booths on the official website ( on 15 July. There will be a 25% discount for those who register for the market badge during the Early Bird period until Sat, 31 Aug. Sales Booth can be registered online and offline until Tue, 20 Aug.
New Changes in ACFM, Programs to Strengthen Networking!
ACFM 2024 introduces fresh changes under the newly appointed ACFM Director Ellen Y.D. Kim and an adjunct faculty member Ally Sunhee Han from International Film Business Academy of the Busan Asian Film School joining this year as a curator. ACFM 2024 aims to strengthen its market curation through conferences on diagnosing and solving the crisis in the contemporary film industry, assessing the current status of innovative technologies, examining their impact on the film industry, and forecasting future trends. It strives not only for quantitative expansion but also for qualitative growth, such as through establishing 'Producer Hub'. Director Ellen Y. D. Kim announced, “ACFM will become the central hub of information, opportunities, and networking where professionals of the Asian film and audiovisual content industry look forward to attending annually.”

Asian Contents & Film Market 2024 will be held for four days from Sat, 5 Oct to Tue, 8 Oct at Exhibition Hall 2, Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO).
[Market Badge Price & Benefits] - Price
Registration Type Price(USD)
Early Bird 15 July – 31 Aug. 150
General 1 – 10 Sep. 200
On-site 1 – 8 Oct. 250
- Benefits
· Access to the main venue of ACFM
· Access to ACFM participants’ database
· Access to ACFM ONLINE Website
· Reserve up to 5 tickets per day for festival screenings
· Access to P&I Screenings at the festival
· Reserve online meetings for Asian Project Market (APM) & Busan Story Market (BSM) official selections
· Access to Online Screening at ACFM ONLINE
· Membership to Cinando
· Accommodation booking service for hotels near the market venue
· Market Shuttle Service
· Market Guest Package
[Booth Registration] - Registration Periods
Type Period Location
Sales Booth 15 July – 20 Aug. Exhibition Center 2, BEXCO
Online Booth 15 July – 10 Sep. ACFM 2024 Online
- Sales Booth Price
Booth Type Price(USD) Complimentary Benefit
Market Badge Accomodation Online
(Online Booth is included for all types)
Pop-up Stand 1,200 1 - -
9sqm(3m*3m) 1,800 2 - 5 Online Market Screenings
18sqm(3m*6m) 3,000 3 5 nights 5 Online Market Screenings
36sqm(6m*6m) 5,200 8 5 nights 5 Online Market Screenings
54sqm(6m*9m) 6,800 8 10 nights 10 Online Market Screenings
Raw space
110 5 5 nights 5 Online Market Screenings
* 1 bedroom is provided per 5 nights
- Online Booth Price
Booth Type Price(USD) Package offerings
Package A 500 1 Market Badge + 5 Online Market Screenings
Package B 800 3 Market Badges + 10 Online Market Screenings
[Online Market Screening] - Screening Period
Screening Period Sat – Tue, 5-8 October 2024
Location ACFM 2024 Online
- Registration Period & Price
Registration Date Price(USD) Detail Duration
15 July – 10 Sep. 100 Upload 5 films Max. 2hrs
* ACFM 2024 offers Online Market Screening opportunities only to those who purchased Sales Booth or Online Booth.
Register for ACFM 2024
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